Tasting Notes:
Orange Blossom
Black Tea
Acidity: ☕️☕️☕️
Body: ☕️☕️
Primrose S.P. PLC, is a stakeholder in the supplier washing station and works directly with them to control for quality and cultural practices on the farm. Income from coffee is important but minimal for most farmers due to the small size of their farms. As such, inputs are minimal – most coffee grown in the region is 100% organic, though not certified, as farmers simply don’t have the money to apply chemical fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides.
Primrose pays more than the market price for a kilogram of red cherry, and those farmers that bring quality red cherry are paid a cash incentive, ensuring higher-than-average overall quality.
We roast our coffees fresh every Monday and will despatch from Tuesday onwards with one of our delivery partners. We may occasionally run out of stock of a particular coffee during the week but we will be roasting up more every week. Thank you for your understanding.